Sunday 4 September 2016

Spain: 18th July - 4th August : Nymphalids (Incl. Satyrids)

Argynnis adippe chlorodippe
The Iberian subspecies of Argynnis adippe is with its greenish wash on the underside very different of the nominate subspecies that is present in a large part of Europe. Here in Sierra de la Sagra but can be found in large parts of Iberia.

Brenthis hecate
We didn't expect to see this local species this late, early august in Sierra de Albarracin.

Euphydryas desfontainii/aurinia beckeri
In Serrania de Cuenca we found a nest of young caterpillars of an Euphydryas species. Help in determination is welcome. Larval foodplant is most probably Cephalaria leucantha (but I am no botanist).

Danaus plexippus
This species is mainly known from its nearctic distribution and its migratory behavior but since some time it has some sedentary populations in the southern coastal areas of the Iberian peninsula.

Pyronia cecilia
Relatively common in the southwest of Europe

Arethusana arethusa
We only saw the nominate in central Spain, need to go back to Andalucia late summer once to see the subspecies boabdil, sometimes considered a species on its own.

Erebia hispania
An endemic of the high slopes of the Sierra Nevada, common at the right height and location. The hard wind made the right front wing of this one being out of place, giving us a glimpse on its upperside. Pictures are from the western part of the Sierra Nevada at 2500m+.

Erebia zapateri
Endemic of the eastern part of Spain's central mountain system. Named after the Spanish late 19th century entomologist Bernardo Zapater. Fligth period is late in the season, mainly in august. In Sierra de Albarracin fairly common in open grassy areas in the pinewoods between 1450-1700m.

Coenonympha dorus
Not uncommon in mountainous areas throughout Spain. First picture from Sierra Tejeda, second picture from Serrania de Cuenca.

Coenonympha glycerion iphioides
Iberian form of Coenonympha glycerion, sometimes considered as a species on its own. Picture is from Sierra de Albarracin.

Coenonympha pamphilus lyllus
In most field guides lyllus is described as the southern summer form of Coenympha pamphilus, some literature however considers this as a species on its own. I am still interested if someone would have a digital copy of following article:
BOILLAT, H., 2003. Coenonympha lyllus Esper, 1805, spec. rev. une nouvelle approche taxinomique du complexe pamphilus. - Alexanor 22:243-309
The picture shows a female from Serrania de Cuenca.

Hipparchia statilinus
In the Mediterranean area this is a common species, in northern Europe however this species is threatened. Picture from the Sierra Tejeda.

Hipparchia fidia
An endemic of the western Mediterranean. Picture from the Sierra Tejeda.

Hipparchia hermione
In previous posts I was able to show pictures of close relevants of this taxon Hipparchia (hermione) genava and Hipparchia fagi. In the Iberian peninsula Hipparchia fagi is limited to the Pyrenees. In the rest of the area the only species present is Hipparchia hermione. Picture is from Sierra de Albarracin.

Melanargia russiae
A species with a sporadic distribution over southern Europe.

Pseudochazara (hippolyte) williamsi
The nominate is a species from central Asia distributed from the south of the Ural to Mongolia. The taxon williamsi is restricted to some mountain regions in Andalucia. It is sometimes considered as a species on its own. Pictures are from the east of the Sierra Nevada between 2200-2400m

In next post some Hesperids from Spain.

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