Day 12: Gnishik - southern slopes
Carcharodus lavatherae
Anthocharis cardamines, this individual has some features of the southeastern subspecies 'phoenissa'; the orange apical spot is bordered by clear dark dusting
Leptidea duponcheli
Lycaena thersamon
Polyommatus thersites
Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) cf. huberti
More information to follow...
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Argynnis pandora
Chazara persephone
Coenonympha leander
Habitat view, the few houses of the village of Gnishik at the left in the background
Provisional species list
Erynnis tages |
Pyrgus sidae |
Spialia orbifer |
Carcharodus lavatherae |
Ochlodes sylvanus |
Thymelicus sylvestris |
Parnassius mnemosyne |
Iphiclides podalirius |
Leptidea duponcheli |
Aporia crataegi |
Pieris ergane |
Pieris pseudorapae |
Pontia edusa |
Colias alfacariensis |
Gonepteryx farinosa |
Lycaena phlaeas |
Lycaena tityrus |
Lycaena thersamon |
Tomares romanovi |
Callophrys paulae |
Cupido minimus |
Cupido osiris |
Glaucopsyche alexis |
Pseudophilotes vicrama |
Plebejus argus |
Aricia agestis |
Cyaniris semiargus |
Polyommatus amandus |
Polyommatus icarus |
Polyommatus thersites |
Polyommatus bellargus |
Polyommatus huberti |
Argynnis niobe |
Argynnis pandora |
Issoria lathonia |
Euphydryas aurinia |
Melitaea cinxia |
Melitaea didyma |
Melitaea arduinna |
Aglais urticae |
Nymphalis xanthomelas |
Polygonia c-album |
Libythea celtis |
Lasiommata megera |
Coenonympha arcania |
Coenonympha pamphilus |
Coenonympha leander |
Hyponephele lycaon |
Erebia medusa |
Melanargia russiae |
Chazara persephone |